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GPS trackingWe’ll help you keep your vehicle fleet and the fleet-related expenditure under control

Our services are used by 700+ companies
We have installed over 9,000 devices
Special solutions based on the clients’ needs

What are the benefits of GPS tracking?

The availability of up-to-date and precise information is a prerequisite for good management. Old- school types find that to determine the location of a person or a vehicle, you can simply call them. That is, of course, correct. Yet what about situations when the line you are calling is occupied or the phone is switched off or outside network coverage? What if the person you are calling cannot answer the call for valid reasons, or if they answer your call and bury you under a stream of excuses? Feels uncomfortably familiar, doesn’t it?

With the passage of time, the constant need for information becomes increasingly acute. Incessantly calling someone to check on their activities is extremely tiresome for both parties and may even be perceived as harassment. Instead, consider GPS tracking of vehicles – easy and convenient, these solutions spare your time and your nerves. A GPS tracker installed on the vehicle always knows the precise location of the vehicle, is always turned on and regularly communicates information to the database of the tracking system. The information you need is at your fingertips exactly when you need it and you never have to depend on anyone else.

Just like finance managers obtain the information they rely on to make the company’s financial decisions from the company’s accounting department, the dispatchers or fleet managers constantly tap into the GPS datastream to receive fresh location data for better coordination of the vehicles’ operation.

How can positioning benefit your company?

Already the awareness of being remotely monitored has a disciplining effect and shapes employees’ attitudes towards time use during working hours. This, in turn, the chance of subsequent arguments between the driver and the employer, decreases the number of unladen journeys and increases the transparency of the entire work process.

The purpose of the GPS tracking system is not to expose slackers – rather, it serves to reveal errors and oversights resulting from ignorance, insufficient instruction or planning.

With location and journey history, drivers’ work can be arranged more effectively from the perspective of both the employer and employee. Appropriate and effective work arrangements improve the company’s work atmosphere, increase the employees’ trust in the management and boost productivity.

Data history provides an unbiased record of events and can confirm, for instance, whether the agreed destination was or was not reached at the agreed time, or whether the vehicle did or did not perform a certain journey or was or was not at a certain location. By replaying data history, it is possible to assess the efficiency of the vehicles’ journeys and identify areas where significant improvements could be achieved in future.

No more needless arguments

GPS tracking puts an end to constant bothersome inquiries to drivers regarding their current whereabouts. It means less stress and worry for one party and the disappearance of perpetual interference for the other, being of considerable benefit to both and, at the same, allowing you to keep a tab on the work process.

How does GPS tracking pay off for businesses?

Earlier experience with GPS tracking certainly corroborates the claim that GPS tracking saves the company at least 10 minutes every day. If we set the cost of an hour at 25 euros, it adds up to about 100 euros per month.

Considering that the basic GPS starter pack costs 77 euros and the monthly service fee amounts to six euros, the GPS tracking system will recoup its cost with the first month of use.

How difficult is to start using GPS tracking?

Installation procedures will be determined by your device. The simplest GPS device looks like a slightly oversize matchbox and is designed to be plugged into your vehicle’s on-board diagnostics (OBD) port. Its installation is like connecting an electrical plug to a wall socket – an operation that anyone can perform without outside assistance.

After installation, having concluded a service agreement with the provider of the service, you can start using the system immediately.

GPS tracking of vehicles offers additional options

Using data received from your GPS tracking unit, the system compiles reports regarding your vehicle’s travel speed, mileage, driving and stationary time.

Another useful feature is geofencing — you can define areas of interest on the map and set the system to compile reports on the vehicle’s visits to those areas. Fitted with appropriate sensors, GPS devices can register temperature, fuel level in the tank, engine RPM, the status of side hatches, as well as the operational status of lifting equipment, winch or any other important additional system of the vehicle. Together with location data, such units will transmit to the server the readings of all sensors connected to them.

The more important custom features of our solutions include reservation of shared-use vehicles, driver identification, keeping track of employees’ working hours outside the office, remote downloading of digital tachograph data, two-way communication with the drivers, automatic transfer of GPS tracking data and derived data products to the client’s information system, and a host of other useful options. The wider the range of features used, the greater the overall benefit to the client’s business.


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